“Surely, of all the wonders of the world, the horizon is the greatest.” – Freya Stark
Travelgram @kmszost
Sharing my journey with an audience on social media completely changed my perspective of marketing. As an influencer, you build a consistent relationship with your followers by providing high-quality, engaging, and informative content that builds reputation, interest, and trust in your word. As you continue to nurture this digital relationship, businesses notice that you obtain an influential position which could be a valuable asset for their marketing campaigns. Through a mutually beneficial business collaboration, you generate revenue through sales, by utilizing your ability to reach an audience of people that put trust in your product/service recommendations. So how is this creative angle established in a widely competitive digital/social market? There is a right way to do it. It starts with a developed social strategy and brand unification. Let’s chat.
A few of the brands I’ve partnered with…
@vivaiaofficial @newbellaofficial @cozyearth @ @naturylbyniykee @gardenofflavor @ryzesuperfoods @soundstripemusic @cosmicwhiteco @iurekofficial @cadifamily @blvckwall_com @outlookchiropractic